Sunday, February 28, 2010

6 Month Check Up

Ok, so I realize that Cole will be 7 months on Tuesday, but last week he had his 6 month check up with his doctor. Here's the update....Cole's 27 3/4 inches (92%), 21lbs 8oz (>95%), 18 1/8" Head (93%).....Meaning he's the size of a 1 year old! The dr asked how he was doing with grabbing things or holding onto things...and not more than a second later he grabbed the paper off the exam table. His doctor asked me how he was doing on "1st foods"...I told her he was already on "2nd foods"...the dr said that we could start giving him adult food. Not just super soft stuff like mashed long as its really soft, like steamed vegetables that are cut up really small. His development is that of a 9 month old!!!! & His doctor says he's healthy as can be! Next appointment is at 9 months (April).

He's getting closer and closer to crawling everyday! Right now he rolls....then pivots....then rolls some more....he's getting around pretty good! I'm impressed!

Yesterday he went to his friend Logan's 1st birthday party. They had tons of fun together. Can't wait for them to play together again soon.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Need to get better at this!

Alright, so I have to somehow get better at blogging....not sure how I'm going to do it....but i'll have to figure something out. 3 weeks without a blog is too long and i'm sure you agree. let catch up on the past few weeks....

Cole is getting on all fours now. He's not crawling quite yet, for right now he's just rocking back and forth. Today he started to stick his butt in the air. He's been getting around by rolling, and is getting pretty darn good at rolling and turning and rolling some more. Smart little man! His teeth are coming beautifully...not to mention sharp! For the past couple weeks Cole has been saying "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" & "da-da-da-da-da-da" etc. Super cute. He's been eating baby food, and has even started eating some 'big people' food (with the help of his feeder thingy, it looks like a big pacifier but its mesh and you put food inside so he won't choke on anything big). See the picture below...and let me tell you what....HE LOVES IT! In one day Cole ate a WHOLE peach and half a banana!

Two weekends ago we took Cole to the Boat & Sportsman Show to see the GRIZZLY bear! I don't think Cole really payed attention much, but oh well, we took pictures of it so we can show him later. This next weekend is the Logging Conference....Dave's SUPER excited about taking Cole. Then we're off to a birthday party for Cole's friend Logan who will be turning 1.

Dave was recently promoted at work and I couldn't be more proud! He's worked so hard to get to where he is today and he definatly deserves it!

Lent started last Wednesday....I decided to give up cookies....wish me luck! I've done pretty good so far. I realized that it was a HORRIBLE idea on Saturday when I went to Walmart and there were Girl Scouts selling cookies outside! Oh My Goodness....what a test! I'll have you know...I didn't buy a single one! Not even to save them until after Easter! I'm proud of myself!

Cole's doctor's appointment is this I'll do my best to post after that!

Oh yeah.....if anyone has suggestions of topics for future posts...feel free to share your ideas!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Cutting Teeth

Cole's cut his first teeth! Bottom middle! Jenny thinks there will be some top ones soon. But here's a picture.....hopefully you'll be able to see em. Cole's 6 month appointment is on Wednesday. More to come then.