Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

Dave just had his first father's day. I wish that the weather would have been a little bit better so we could have done what I had planned, but oh well. I think we had a decent day.
I had the hardest time figuring out what to get Dave for Dad Day, but with Cole being so young it was hard considering he can't make him anything so I decided to figure out something he could take with him while he's working out of town. I found a wonderful travel coffee mug that you can insert pictures into!(Dave's not a big coffee drinker, only when he's out of town getting up really early) I put in a ton of pictures of Cole and Dave LOVED it! So did all of the guys at work! He also got some t-shirts. I had planned on us going fishing so I bought Dave some night-crawlers but the weather wasn't wonderful so we'll have to postpone it.

That about sums up Father's Day......sorry no pictures for this one.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Oh gosh. Again, I feel like always have a ton of things to blog about but when I finally sit down I draw a blank....we'll see how it turns out.

Cole started standing (as you saw in the last post). He's also clapping, and its super cute. He's getting so big that I had to buy him a new car seat. I took it to Jenny's house so she could get the straps all adjusted and she noticed that one of the straps were frayed. So I had to call the company to get replacement straps, I definitely wasn’t going to put Cole in something that was defective, even if it was just a little bit. I called them and they said it would take 1-2 days, but if it didn't come in 7-10 that I should call back. Well guess what? No straps! So I called them again. Hopefully they come soon. Trevor (Cole's cousin) turned 1 Memorial weekend. Cole enjoyed his cupcake. :)

June 5th: Dave got a new tattoo in honor of a friend that passed away in the motorcycle accident. We're SO happy with how it turned out! Check it out...

June 13th: My cousin Catie had her High School graduation party in Silverton. Cole had a wonderful time with my other cousins Mary and Sarah. My aunt & uncle's house had a slopped backyard, so Mary took Cole to the top, then she and Sarah tried teaching Cole how to roll down. Cole didn't really get it, but he had the best time chasing after the girls. Maybe next time.

Just this last Monday, Cole and I took the dogs on a walk. Back before Cole was born my dad bought a backpack to carry him in, so now that Cole is old enough and the weather happened to be somewhat decent I decided to try it out. OH MAN and I sore! Cole absolutely LOVED it. He was singing, laughing & jumping. Since we had the dogs with us, he kept saying "dog dog dog". Too cute! I'm determined to continue to use the backpack throughout the summer. Not only is it a good workout, but everyone gets to go on the walk (if I put Cole in his stroller, I can't control both the stroller and the dogs).

Dave's aunt & uncle in Idaho are having a 5 year anniversary party towards the end of the summer. Dave REALLY wants to go visit them, he misses them alot after living in Idaho for a year. We're going to try and figure out a way to at least go for a couple days, but we'll have to see.

Now that the weather is getting nicer we're barbecuing ALOT. Dave's learning tons of new things to make using his new barbecue grill.

This weekend is Father's Day and I can't wait!

well there's the update, until next time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Standing Tall

Cole started standing last week. Dave hadn't seen it yet, so I decided to video it on my phone for him.....Here you go.....