Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Last week Cole started clapping. He thinks its the greatest thing on earth. =) For the past month he's been doing this weird crawling thing, except it's not your conventional hands and knees crawling, he was getting his belly in there somehow so it looked like "the worm". Today he started 'REAL' crawling! too cute! I can't believe how fast babies are! He's been holding himself up really well, and even taking steps when you hold his hands.

I tried loading the video on here, but its taking too long? You can see it on my facebook.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Food

Cole tried "3rd foods" on Sunday. He HATED it! He gagged the whole time. He can eat foods that we give him like pancakes and eggs. But he doesn't understand that you have to chew the stuff that comes out of a jar. So, we'll see how it goes.

Again, if anyone has any suggestions on topics for the blog....let me know....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bad Blogger

Alright, I keep saying I'll get better and better about this.....I've really dropped the ball haven't I? ***SIGH*** I'm sorry. So as for an update....

Cole: Moving forward! yay! It's about time. I guess you could call it crawling, but it looks more like he doing "the worm". Pretty cute actually. Getting more teeth, this time the top ones. Believe it or not, he's STILL his happy lil self despite waking up at 3am to play with Mommy. :) Started sticking his tounge out a little bit, SUPER cute! Still saying "Mamamamama" and "Dadadadada", and now theirs "nananananana" which my guess is he's saying "no". Had his 2nd haircut about a week ago! Looks adorable as always!

David: Doing well. Still working out of town during the week. Getting ready to take an herbacide test for work. Hopefully when he gets certified that means a raise? We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Me: Started exercising yesterday. Well see how long it lasts, hopefully this is something I can stick to. Other than that, I'm not too sure that anything else has been going on. (maybe this is why I should blog more often).