Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Roadtrip to Idaho

You’d think that I’d be able to rest after Cole’s birthday party…..but no. Thursday following the party, we left for Idaho! Before Dave and I met he lived in Idaho for about a year and worked with his Uncle Dan. During that time Dave became very close with Dan and Karie (Dan’s wife). This past weekend they were celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary and were throwing a big party, so we made the trip out there……
We left on Thursday around 3pm, Dave and I took turns driving and pulled an all-nighter! We got to Idaho Falls at 4:30am (that’s eastern Idaho, 1 hour ahead of Oregon). Luckily Cole was pretty amazing during the drive. So we get there, we have to wake up Cole to take him inside, Dave gets his pac’n’play (portable crib) set up and we lay him down…..of course, he’s too awake at this point and doesn’t want to go back to sleep! UGH! So by 5am, as to not wake up everyone (some other Oregon family members) in the house I decided to take Cole outside and walk around. I walked him up and down the street for AN HOUR! Without a stroller! OMGosh, my arms were DEAD. Poor Dave felt bad so he walked a little with me, then by 6am we decided since Cole was STILL awake that we’d go to McDonald’s since we were starving! So we load back up into the car and we’re not even half way there and Cole falls asleep! UGH! So we get the food anyway, eat it, then head back to the house. Cole’s still asleep by the time we get to the house, so Dave and I say screw it, we’ll sleep in the car. So I turn the engine off, and Cole WAKES UP! DAMNIT! We sit there for about 10 minutes while Cole’s screaming in the backseat, by this time is 7am…..and I say screw it! I need some sleep, so we take Cole inside. Luckily Aunt Karie had to go to cheerleading at 8am so she took Cole with her while we slept for a few hours. Karie said he had such a good time!  I heard there were pictures, but I haven’t seen them yet. Dave and I sleep until about 11am, we didn’t want to waste the day sleeping, but we needed at least a cat nap. After our nap everyone goes to the shooting range.

I thought that we were just trap shooting (you know, clay pigeons and all), but we actually did a course! So we did 10 out of 15 stations. And you have someone operating the throwers, so when its your turn the you get up there and when you’re ready you say ‘pull’ (like normal) and A will be released, as soon as you take your (single) shot, B is released, then after you reload you get ready again say ‘pull’ and they do BOTH A & B at the same time! Talk about quick! Each of the stations are different and increase in difficulty. Even a couple rolled across the ground to imitate rabbits! Those were pretty tough since they’d hit bumps and bounce! We didn’t keep score, but I know that out of 10 stations, I hit at least 1 target (4 total per station) and 8 of the stations! And 2 of the stations I hit 2! Dave was so proud of me!

I got SUPER sunburned though! It even blistered on my back! OUCH! I still had a ton of fun! We went back to the house and had dinner, and hung out (Dave and I were exhausted and weren’t really up for anything amazing not to mention a storm was rolling in. I think it may have sprinkled, but that was about it). Dave told me that they had TWO drive-in movie theatres there, so we thought about doing that, but we were way too tired. So, Saturday morning we did a little shopping to get make sure we were ready for the anniversary dinner that night. There was also a ‘Kid Jam’ (I think that’s what it was called), kind of a festival with vendors, food, music, etc….by the time we got there it was almost 3pm. It took us about 30 minutes to find Dan & Karie. Since Cole hadn’t napped all morning he was REALLY cranky, so Dave and I decided to get keys to the house from Dan so we could take Cole back to the house before everyone else got there and started making a bunch of noise.

We take off back to the house, despite the fact that Dave used to live there, his directional skills were 100% (maybe 90%, but not 100%)……everyone else had made it back to the house before us! Dang it! So Cole goes down for a nap, and he got MAYBE 30 minutes to sleep before we had to get going for the dinner (Aunt Karie had arranged for family pictures prior to dinner). The whole way to the park Cole was HORRIBLE! OMG! Just horrible! I felt so bad that we were going to ruin their dinner! So we get there and the photographers (husband/wife team, also Karie’s neighbors) were GREAT! The husband, Nate, was taking the pictures while Emily, his wife, was making Cole laugh! She’d hid behind Nate and then pop out saying “Boo” in the highest pitched voice possible! EVERYONE was laughing! It was so funny! Every time we’d stop for a moment and take a break, Cole would go looking for her! Thankfully she put him in a good mood. So directly following pictures, we had dinner. Salad was good, Dave didn’t like it as much, I think it was a bit too fancy for him….but Cole thought it was great, he had half of my salad and half of Karie’s! So the options for dinner were Salmon, Prime Rib or Ravioli’s, Dave and I decided on the Prime Rib………HOLY CRAP was it the BIGGEST, THICKET, most Tender piece of prime rib I’d EVER seen! You could seriously cut this with a butter knife! The dumb part was, I have Cole sitting next to me and out of 17 people, I was served LAST! Are you kidding me? Do you not hear the yelling child next to me??? Luckily the people sitting across from us had children of their own so they understood, and even shared some of their dinner with Cole until I got mine. Cole loved every bit of dinner, he ate at LEAST half of mine, some of Dave’s, and some more of the couple’s across from us! I couldn’t believe it! We joked that we should have ordered him a plate! He even ate more that half of my dessert! By the time dinner was over everyone was stuffed and I was still hungry! Lol. We made the drive back on Sunday so Dave would be ready for work on Monday morning...

Cole's Birthday Party

So, the Thursday prior to his birthday I did all the grocery shopping for Cole’s party. I stopped by the bakery department at Wal*mart to see what they offered in the way of cakes. I was planning on making Cole a race car out of cupcakes, but I wanted to get Cole a cake just for him. They have recently come out with ‘petite cakes’, which are about 4” in size, so I thought that would be perfect, then the other guests could have the cupcakes. So I order a Disney Cars cake, complete with Lightning McQueen on top, I went to pick it up Friday after I helped out at Relay For Life, and I literally laughed in the lady’s face. It looked HORRIBLE! The picture that I picked out was twice the size (in height) as the one she was holding. The picture had two rows across the top of checkers, and the cake she showed me had the rows, but they weren’t at all straight….and that’s just the beginning of it! The only thing that looked like the picture was the plastic Lightning McQueen car that sat on top! I couldn’t believe she was trying to sell me such an awful cake. I told her to keep it, and I’d figure something else out! OMG it was bad! Luckily, my Mom was with me, and she offered to make Cole a cake. She ended up doing an AMAZING job on his cake (see picture, she made the cake and I did the cupcake cars). I’m sure you can tell he enjoyed the cake.  At one point when he was eating his cake he quit using his hands, and just went in face first! I also made the ‘Happy Birthday Cole’ banner. Cole got TONS of gifts! A Lightning McQueen 4-wheeler, a toy barbecue, a dozen or so trucks of all kinds, clothes, and even a GIANT (53”) teddy bear! He had so much fun!

Cole and Trevor riding Cole's new 4 wheeler!

Monday, August 2, 2010


In honor of Cole's birthday, I thought I'd share his birth story for those of you who haven't heard it. =)

August 1st, 2009. David and I spent the day in Eugene with my Mom. We had lunch at the Olive Garden, went to the movies and saw 'Public Enemies'. Went to visit my friend, Britney. Since I wasn't feeling any contractions we headed back home to Oakridge. Dave and I got home at 9:00pm. I started feeling a little weird, and thought my water broke. I hadn't had a single contraction yet. I had the on call physician paged, then sat in the bedroom waiting for the doctor to call back. About 9:20pm, the doctor returned the phone call. While on the phone with the doctor my water broke. Dave packed up the car and by 9:40pm we were back in the car on the way to town. Contractions started about 10pm, and at the most were 7 minutes apart. David was driving, texting, calling people, and timing contractions the whole way. We arrived to the hospital around 10:30pm. At 11pm I was finally checked for the first time, only 1cm dialated. After getting 'trying' to get comfortable the nurse attempted to place an IV in my arm, unsuccessfully I might add. She kept joking that my "vein keeps rolling". It was horrible! As if its not bad enough while you're in labor to have ANYONE touching you let alone try to poke you with a needle and DIG around. Anyway, while the nurse was trying to get some IV pain killers I tried the warm bath, but it didn't really work very well. Eventhough it had only been a short time since the nurse had started the pain killers I asked her to check me again....4 cm!!!!! Now 4-5 cm is the magic number for an EPIDERAL!!!!! Oh heck yeah! I asked for it right away. It took about 45 minutes for the anesthesiologist to get to my room, by this time i was 7cm! My mom stayed in the room with my while I got the epideral since Dave is terrified of needles. As soon as he was done Dave came back and helped to get me as comfortable as possible. It couldn't have been more than 15 minutes after getting the epideral I was ready to was 2:18am......Cole was born at 2:28am. (from water breaking to birth....5 hours 8 minutes!) 8 pounds 5 ounces. 21 inches long. Dark hair and blue eyes. BEAUTIFUL

We're throwing Cole a party this weekend, and I promise, I'll write a post about it. Pictures and all!