Monday, August 2, 2010


In honor of Cole's birthday, I thought I'd share his birth story for those of you who haven't heard it. =)

August 1st, 2009. David and I spent the day in Eugene with my Mom. We had lunch at the Olive Garden, went to the movies and saw 'Public Enemies'. Went to visit my friend, Britney. Since I wasn't feeling any contractions we headed back home to Oakridge. Dave and I got home at 9:00pm. I started feeling a little weird, and thought my water broke. I hadn't had a single contraction yet. I had the on call physician paged, then sat in the bedroom waiting for the doctor to call back. About 9:20pm, the doctor returned the phone call. While on the phone with the doctor my water broke. Dave packed up the car and by 9:40pm we were back in the car on the way to town. Contractions started about 10pm, and at the most were 7 minutes apart. David was driving, texting, calling people, and timing contractions the whole way. We arrived to the hospital around 10:30pm. At 11pm I was finally checked for the first time, only 1cm dialated. After getting 'trying' to get comfortable the nurse attempted to place an IV in my arm, unsuccessfully I might add. She kept joking that my "vein keeps rolling". It was horrible! As if its not bad enough while you're in labor to have ANYONE touching you let alone try to poke you with a needle and DIG around. Anyway, while the nurse was trying to get some IV pain killers I tried the warm bath, but it didn't really work very well. Eventhough it had only been a short time since the nurse had started the pain killers I asked her to check me again....4 cm!!!!! Now 4-5 cm is the magic number for an EPIDERAL!!!!! Oh heck yeah! I asked for it right away. It took about 45 minutes for the anesthesiologist to get to my room, by this time i was 7cm! My mom stayed in the room with my while I got the epideral since Dave is terrified of needles. As soon as he was done Dave came back and helped to get me as comfortable as possible. It couldn't have been more than 15 minutes after getting the epideral I was ready to was 2:18am......Cole was born at 2:28am. (from water breaking to birth....5 hours 8 minutes!) 8 pounds 5 ounces. 21 inches long. Dark hair and blue eyes. BEAUTIFUL

We're throwing Cole a party this weekend, and I promise, I'll write a post about it. Pictures and all!

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