Friday, October 8, 2010

September/October Update

Incase you didn't know, we're BIG Oregon Duck Fans! And they're currently #3 in the nation! AWESOME!!! Anyway, onto the updates...

Cole: Incase you missed it, check out the video of Cole walking in the previous post. He's doing so great! Not to mention he looks ADORABLE in those Wrangler jeans and hoodie! Cole's saying tons of words: "no", "oh yeah" or "yeah", "ok", "go", "ducks" (we're trying to get him to say "go ducks" but he can't quite put the two together yet), "dog", and he makes a funny sound..not sure what it means "oy di doe"????
In sign language he can say "more" and "milk". And if you say 'touchdown' he'll raise both arm up in the air! haha! That's the best one! =)
He has so much personality its crazy! I can't wait for the adventures in store for us in the future. Looking forward to Halloween this year, since Cole was too little to take out last year (especially with the whole H1N1 scare). I bet you're wondering what he's going to be????? I'll post pictures in November! =)

Dave: He's working close to home!!!!!! I'm just as shocked as you are! But I'm not complaining! I'm trying to not get too excited about it, or too used to it because I know once that happens that it'll be time for him to leave again. Our hunting season so far has been unsuccessful, thank goodness their's still some more time. Dave is working on selling his street bike. He says it hurts his back too much and he wants a Harley Davidson. I guess we'll see how that goes. Dave's sister Kassie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on September 7th. Her name is Riley. It was really weird holding a baby that was so little compared to how big our boys (Trevor & Cole) are now. When we were up visiting the new baby Cole & Trevor got to play together which was fun. They more or less play around each other, rather than actually interacting with each other. Still cute. Kassie tried taking some pictures but Cole wasn't having any of it! He kept glaring at her?

Me: Not a whole lot new with myself, that I can think of at least. I've been working 7am-4pm for a little bit, and I have to say that I love it! I do so much more with that extra hour in the evening time than I did with it in the morning!
My younger cousin Chris and his wife Jacque just had their first baby in September. His name is Michael. My Aunt Pam threw a wonderful baby shower for her. It was so nice to see everyone.

Not much else....OH except, look for a new PetSmart commercial to come out in February. The 'actors' may be familiar? =)

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